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Nina Vincent Writer, Mother, Traditional Chinese medical physician. One very busy woman in search of a new pair of reading glasses!


Sliding Into Home was born of my experience as an adoptive mother to my Guatemala born child, a stepmother for 34 years, as well as having worked in group home settings with adolescent children and street children for a year in Oaxaca Mexico. 

My work in Oaxaca with young children and adolescents and my work in a group home setting for girls from 13-18 moved me deeply. Young people do not stay on the surface of their emotions. They dive deeply into realms that are philosophical and frightening. Children who experience loss through adoption or divorce are more inclined to hang out emotionally in areas that are dark and inquisitive. Flip is one of those characters. Adoption comes with loss. Divorce also brings about monumental changes in a child's life. But for children of adoption divorce may tap into deeper wounds, and fear.

Sliding Into Home aims to dive as deeply into the emotions surrounding those events as the young people I have worked with do.  It takes a brave heart to go to the places where life hurts the most. I hope Flip's courage, and heart are felt and appreciated.

My articles on transracial adoption have been published in Adoption Today , Adoption Mosaic , Adoptive Families Magazine and Adoption Voices Magazine.

Sliding Into Home is available now on Amazon books. Billed as the number 1 new release in adoption books today. Grab a copy now. Kindle and Audio versions soon to come.




Sliding Into Home

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